Why We Love Valentine’s Day

5 Reasons You Should, Too
• It’s the middle of winter here in Boston and you know what that means, it’s cold, it’s grey and we all need a little something to celebrate – even if it is just a heart shaped cookie!
• On that note, heart shaped cookies (and peanut butter cups for that matter) are 67% cuter than regular cookies.
• I’m not saying you should save all your “I love yous” for Valentine’s Day but I really can’t argue with anything that encourages us to spread the warm ’n’ fuzzies that little bit further!
• There’s no better time to wear all the red and pink things – bonus points for those who pile ‘em all on together!
• If the hubby wants to buy me flowers (or you know, a little something from my favorite jewelers – I’ve long had my eye on a few of E.B.Horn’s vintage rings) just because the calendar says it’s Feb 14. I’m hardly going to argue with the man!
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Valentine’s Day. I don’t know about you, but it’s always been a holiday I could take or leave. In fact, I feel the same way about most of them (except maybe Halloween – scary movies and candy are two of my favorite things, after all) but funnily enough I’m convinced that’s why I enjoy each and every one so much.
You see, over the years I’ve learned that nothing takes away from a day, a moment, an experience quite like placing a metric ton of pressure on it. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve far from mastered the whole “don’t sweat the small stuff” thing, but when it comes to celebrating I’m all about going with the flow and doing whatever will put a genuine smile on your face (and hopefully a few others) in that moment.
All right, you’re probably wondering where I’m going with all of this, so in the interest of not sending you to sleep at your I’ll just cut to the point…
If I could, I’d do just as that quote I’ve pinned on repeat tells me and “celebrate every day.” I’m guessing the same is true for all of us. But let’s be real, some days just suck and most others we’re so busy we never get a chance to stop and smell the roses. Holidays both big and small (Hallmark-invented or not) however, remind us to take a step back from all that and potentially even do something nice – what a concept!
Does “something nice” equate to getting all dressed up for a fancy dinner out when you’ve just finished another exhausting day at work? Filling your house with red roses even though you never really liked them anyway? No. Hard no!
How you choose to celebrate any holiday, including Valentine’s Day, and with whom (assuming you’re feeling sociable) is entirely up to you. For me, that sometimes means going big and surprising (my husband) Ted with something he’s had his eye on, but more often than not it’s as simple as writing “I love you” on a Post-It and sticking it to the fridge for him to find, or even just spending a lazy Sunday together – more on that soon.
First, I really wanted to mention that some of my very best Valentine’s Day celebrations have involved little more than receiving a silly card from my mom – yes, seriously! Why the urge to share? To remind you that being single doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate the pinkest of holidays! There’s nothing wrong with buying heart shaped treats for Fido, calling a bestie to remind him/her just how awesome they are or treating yourself to those earrings you wanted!
How We’re Celebrating This February 14
Since January through March is Ted’s busiest time of year it can be all but impossible for us to organize things like dinner and drinks for weeks on end. Knowing this, we made the very most of a recent unscheduled Sunday and declared it our Valentine’s Day . . .
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I Love You A Latte, Tatte
I’m the kind of girl who finds a favorite, sticks with it and feels no shame at all. Case in point, Tatte Bakery & Cafe. As often as I find myself there (at least once a week – okay, maybe twice) it seems I never tire of my go to yogurt bowl and large americano. What can I say, I know what I like and I really like my usual, not to mention that picture perfect pastry display and insta-worthy space.
Still, if I’m such a regular you’re probably wondering why I’d choose to spend even part of my Valentine’s Day here. Simply put, a relaxed visit (that doesn’t involve reigning in my sweet tooth) with the hubby > grabbing a quick bite before rushing off to my next meeting or errand. Plus, after a long and leisurely lie-in (our schedules during the week are relatively crazy – on Friday’s I wake at 4:30 a.m.) we figured an afternoon refuel was the perfect way to kick off our little celebration.
With locations scattered throughout the city you’re spoiled for choice when it comes to choosing where to indulge. Planning to enjoy a stroll through one of my favorite neighborhoods, we opted for their One Boston Place cafe where not so coincidentally we always manage to snag a seat!
Psst! Can’t decide which sweet treat to order? Ted and I love the Stumptown Espresso Mocha Mouse but even their more “boring” options (think plain brownies and oatmeal cookies) impress.
Historic Hood
Picture this, it’s winter in Boston and you wake up to temps in the high forties. What do you do? Ditch the puffy coat and make a break for the great outdoors! In our case, the great outdoors meant Beacon Hill (well, it is pretty great) and I’m kicking myself for not giving the whole coat situation a second thought before leaving home.
That being said, we always enjoy strolling hand-in-hand through the city’s most historic neighborhood. If admiring charming cobble stone streets, comparing favorite stoops and making friends with adorable dogs (Beacon Hill is a haven for Doodle-lovers) sounds like fun then I’m willing to bet you and yours will love whiling away the hours here just as much as we do.
Bonus, you can easily make a pretty pit stop at Rouvalis Flowers A.K.A one of my favorite places in the city. As for where you end up, I’d highly recommend The Whitney.Psst! In the interest of full disclosure (public safety) I should mention that I wasn’t wandering the many cobblestone streets of Beacon Hill in what might be my highest pair of heels. Strictly for show, they were popped on once we got to The Whitney and, of course, for pics.
The (Other) Whitney
Nestled in the heart of Beacon Hill, The Whitney Hotel is a relatively new addition to Charles St. and quite possibly the best yet. Independently owned it boasts just about everything a girl could want, chic interiors accented by the most incredible artwork, a warm and welcoming team, a great glass of bubbly and a restaurant worth going out of your way for.
Having only stopped in for coffee and Christmas drinks with colleagues prior to this, Ted and I decided it was finally time to give the food a whirl – which, by the way, explains why I’m wearing the sparkliest top ever made along with some of my favorite, go-with-anything (imagine this necklace with boyfriend jeans and a plain white tee) E.B.Horn jewels.
Sister restaurant of Somerville’s beloved Juliet, Peregrine serves up classic Italian fare with a much-appreciated seasonal twist. While it’s hard to go wrong with carbs on carbs, we’re 97% certain the award for most unforgettable bite of the night belongs to their Mussels and clams “Pommidoro” style.
Psst! Been wanting to try Peregrine? Their Valentine’s Day Dinner menu looks pretty amazing.